Hey there, I'm trying to use an ALDL cable and a laptop or phone/tablet to read realtime data.
I'm not a programmer, I have the original first gen OBD, not OBD2.
I downloaded Tuner Pro and BINs, RAWs, etc., but I get no data.
As I said, I don't do game modding or phone jailbreaking, I'm super dumb, but I can plug an ALDL cable into my van's data port.
What am I missing?
1986 GMC 1987 Chevy Pre OBD II Reader help OBD1
- I sleep in my van
- Posts: 974
- Joined: Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:23 pm
Re: 1986 GMC 1987 Chevy Pre OBD II Reader help OBD1
Does your malfunction light stay illuminated?
Does the van have black deposits on tail pipe (running rich)
Does the output of the Catylitiv converter get real hot compared to the input of the cat?
You can get $50 IR temp sensor to "shoot" the Cat. The output should be about 50 deg F hotter than input. If output is a few hundred degrees hotter, you are running rich.
I had 1994 Chevy van G20 full size with the pre 96 OBD I (on board diagnostics 1)
I remember the 2 digit code scheme for some of the possible malfunctions.
I have not used the tuners though.
The old OBD I system allowed you to use a simple metal paper clip to short together pins A and B of the diagnostic connector to read the codes.'
The codes were indicated by flashing the yellow light on instrument panel.
Code 12 was all ok. Flash. Pause flash flash. Repeat-red twice is code 12
Code 34 MAF. Flash flash flash pause flash flash flash flash repeat 2 times is code 34.
Code. ... For OX sensor etc.
You can use a digital multimeter DMM to check voltage swing at TPS throttle positiob]n sensor, etc
Also, use special spray cleaner to clean the screen on MAF sensors in line with throttle body, clean TB plate.''
Also, check and replace EGR valve gasket with screen that spots carbon particles from sticking in valve .
Good luck.
Does your malfunction light stay illuminated?
Does the van have black deposits on tail pipe (running rich)
Does the output of the Catylitiv converter get real hot compared to the input of the cat?
You can get $50 IR temp sensor to "shoot" the Cat. The output should be about 50 deg F hotter than input. If output is a few hundred degrees hotter, you are running rich.
I had 1994 Chevy van G20 full size with the pre 96 OBD I (on board diagnostics 1)
I remember the 2 digit code scheme for some of the possible malfunctions.
I have not used the tuners though.
The old OBD I system allowed you to use a simple metal paper clip to short together pins A and B of the diagnostic connector to read the codes.'
The codes were indicated by flashing the yellow light on instrument panel.
Code 12 was all ok. Flash. Pause flash flash. Repeat-red twice is code 12
Code 34 MAF. Flash flash flash pause flash flash flash flash repeat 2 times is code 34.
Code. ... For OX sensor etc.
You can use a digital multimeter DMM to check voltage swing at TPS throttle positiob]n sensor, etc
Also, use special spray cleaner to clean the screen on MAF sensors in line with throttle body, clean TB plate.''
Also, check and replace EGR valve gasket with screen that spots carbon particles from sticking in valve .
Good luck.