Two weeks ago, my '02 Yamaha with 5600 miles suffered some kind of carb failure. I think it is a case of bad gas ruining the needle & seat valves in the float bowls. I've been messing with it, cleaning, adjusting, etc, twisted a screw off in the carb, still waiting on parts, etc.
Wednesday morning, while drinking my coffee before going to work, I hear a loud metalic snap. Wife and I look at each other, both wonder "what was that?", and go on. I walk out to my van, which I would have been driving in a few minutes, and see the passenger side front fender covering the tire. The torsion bar was the loud metalic snap. So I take the back up, since my wife loaths me using her van, cause I'm real hard on stuff.
I go out today, and my 3rd vehicle, an all original (and somewhat run down) 1981 Monte Carlo, get in, sit down, and notice what looks like steam on the inside of the windsheild.
Some background; this car is in a general state of disrepair, stuff like it hasn't had low beam headlamps for several months. I haven't had time to investigate this, so I usually only drive it during the day, but since the other two choices are down for the count, the Monte it is.
It also doesn't have a very good blower motor, makes noise, smokes, etc, and no selection of where the air comes out of the dash. It does, however, have cold and hot selection. So I choose hot, and low blower, which is all it can do, and the windshield goes completely white with fog. Crap. I smell antifreeze. So I shut stuff off, (I'm going down the road at this point) wipe the windshield with my hand, roll windows down, etc. I also have to manually shift second gear since there's something not right with the trans. And it's 4:20am and the only AM radio station the original AM radio can pick up isn't on the air yet. And it's foggy, cold, I have my high beams on, windows down, and come up behind some slow poke in a truck driving the center of the road at 35. I thought I'd never get to work. And my winshield washer won't work.
At work, I discover that a new employee is the little sister of a girl I had a fling with like 20 years ago when I was in school. I also had a fling with her best friend. And this girl knew ALL about it, and knew me by name. Why she told me about it, I'll never know, but I'm nervous since I'm a supervisor and really don't need my ancient dirty laundry going around. The new employee said that her sister and friend still speak of me...Creepy. I'm baffled as well. Luckily, she works 3rd and I usually work 1st, but had to go in earky to do a fire drill. I'll only rarely see her or her coworkers.
I make it through a crazy day at work.
To try to turn things around, I decide to work on the monte, being that I'm off early and all. I buy a blower motor, heater core, universal washer pump, dimmer switch, and I guess that was all.
I started to change the dimmer, and had a thought, what if, and this is a big what if, both headlights were burned out? Could it be possible, for them to go so close together that I didn't notice one was out?
OK, they were both burned out.

On to the blower and heater core. Easy, piece of cake. Also fixed a couple of vacuum lines.
I have a blower, no more antifreeze leak. Sweet. Sill no control of which vents, but can control the temp and blower, which is good enough, given what I've been working with. It even has High! And doesn't smoke, squeal, blow fuses, etc.
I wire up the washer pump, and it is capable of wetting the ground behind the car. Sweet! The old one could occasionally make a wet spot on the chrome trim at the bottom of the windshield, if it would do anything.
It turned out to be a good day after all.