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ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:58 pm
by astrozam
Was on my way to work Sat aft, got about 2 miles away and as i was slowing down for a light the o'le van started buckin and convulsing like she was gonna die. I got er pulled into a parking lot and altho she didn't stall, something wasn't right. Didn't want to chance driving back home so i walked home and then got a lift down to pick the van up later when traffic had died down, van conked out twice but started up right away got van home and parked.

Today: Changed fuel filter ( just to eliminate that potential problem, and it hadn't been done in about 2 yrs ) didn't help any and now the van will almost catch but then stall, had a look at my cap and rotor ( as they have been a constant source of problems over the yrs, they were both very corroded and so i replaced those as well, still no better. Then I remembered i had a code reader so I plugged er in and got a code 32 which is one or more of the following...

Barometric pressure sensor cirquit failure
EGR valve diagnostic switch-closed during engine start-up OR open when EGR flow requested by ECM
Electronic vacuum regulator valve error ( Electronic vacuum regulator valve controls EGR vacuum

Now, I have been letting my van warm up for ( what some might call excessive periods, like 15-20 min ) during our recent cold spells, I do have a screen on my EGR and was thinking that maybe this screen is plugged up, so I gave the bolts a good soak in penetrant ( cause I don't need a repeat of my nightmare a few yrs back,lol ) and I will try to remove the EGR tomorrow and check to see if she is plugged up with carbon.

Any other ideas as to what may be the problem? if so, let me know :prayer:

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:14 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
I would have to guess EGR. Check ECM fuses as well. If none of those then I would be looking towards fuel pump.

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:58 am
by astrozam
LiftedAWDAstro wrote:I would have to guess EGR. Check ECM fuses as well. If none of those then I would be looking towards fuel pump.
After the morning coffee i'll scoot out and remove the EGR ( its sunny and plus 1 :yikes: ) although for how long, nobody knows. I never thought of fuses at all so, i'll take a quick peek to see, I sooooooooo hope its not the FP, it sounds normal but it may be on its way out.

I'll be backkkkkk! :D

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:55 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
I'll be here. :muhaha:

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:07 am
by astrozam
Well since you waited so patiently i will update on what I decided...

Thankfully I removed the EGR with no problems ( aka broken bolts :D ) now the pintle is jammed down and not seated, now if I've read my info correctly, the pintle not being seated is causing a condition similiar to a vacuum leak ( hard start, lean conditions, excessively rough idle...blah blah blah... ) I didn't have any carbon chunks on the screen or built up around the opening into the intake. Evidently carbon chunk build up creates a set of different driving conditions then what I experienced, now there very well may be carbon gumming up the pintle from seating correctly and thus causing the conditions I am experiencing, The price of a new EGR from GM is a staggering $303, Thankfully our brother Crash is going to help me out :supz: and so I'll be making a visit to Woodstock tomorrow after work to p.u a new EGR and hopefully this will be the fix I need, I hate just replacing parts but time and weather are not on my side, hopefully I will be doing this :supz: tomorrow, instead of this ](*,) ... wish me luck :cheers:

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:50 pm
by crash
glad to help Keith. see you tomorrow :cheers: <-- substitute beer mugs with timmies :D

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:27 pm
by rlsllc
My 94 has had that code 32 and an intermittent (yet nearly constant) SES for the 9 months or so I've been driving it.
The weird thing, it runs like a top, idles smoother than any other CPI I've ever seen, and has plenty of power and good mileage.
I haven't investigated it for this reason. I just ignor the SES and drive. It's a beater after all.
It does have a new spider, lines, filter, pump, (by me) and recent tune up by the previous owner. 188K miles.

Good luck.

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:47 pm
by astrozam
Vroom Vroom BABY :supz: started up 1st crank nice and smooth, took er for a test drive and she drove like new, once again a big thanks to Rob ( Crash ) for his help in getting me the new Delco EGR at a very good price, the only thing better than the advice on this site is the people :cheers:

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:48 pm
by Smiliesafari
:bounce: Gotta love an easy fix. :supz:

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:43 pm
by astrozam
Smiliesafari wrote::bounce: Gotta love an easy fix. :supz:
That I do... :supz:

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:31 pm
by LiftedAWDAstro
Awesome Zam! =D>

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:47 pm
by crash
woo hoo! =D>

very cool to help out Keith.. especially to be able to provide you a quality part and save you a good chunk of change \:D/

and thanks for the coffee, perfect timing

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:34 pm
by astrozam
The least I could do :cheers:

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:27 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
Glad she's running good again. :cheers:

Re: ECM trouble code 32

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:33 pm
by sandfly
Have to do mine to zammie, just cleaned it last year and due again. the pintle hangs and makes the van run rough. I have had the same one since new. I just clean it now and then, scrape the pintle down clean and good to go..