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Just be Dad........Please

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:22 am
by 1Gary
Anyone who knows me,knows how much I hate cell phone users.

I think it is the scourge of our youth.

The other day at where I work,we have the x-mas stuff out which includes

some of the kids toys,a little girl say about 3 or 4 yrs old came in with her

dad.I could see the wide eye'ed fascination by this girl as her father stooped

down.She would take a stuffed toy to show dad one at a time with a huge

smile.So this "dad".......what,he was giving his little girl his undivided

attention??.Nope.The whole time this short sighted selfish pc of garbage

was texting on his cell.You know how you get a feeling it is one of those

moments that you will never get back???.And it was late at night,so I

could tell is wasn't business he was conducting.His wife was with them,so

I knew it wasn't her either.She just wanted her dad to play.Man he doesn't

understand how fast kids grow up and how much at that age they learn.

What in god's name is soooooooo important for him to ignore his kid for

what turned out to be about 20 mins??.Yeah-one of those moments you

don't get a "do-over".Thought what his example taught his daughter too.

Like here is how to be a insensitive pc of crap to the people who are right

there with you,because your desires are greater than them.The ones who

should really count.

I don't own a cell phone and won't get one until I go back on the road for

my business.Even then,it's use will sparingly.

I had to get this off my chest and wanted to make the point to all you

guys who do own a cell.THINK,THINK.........about the people who are

around when you "think" that call is soooooooo important and be

sensitive.It is one(cell phones) of the most antisocial devises yet

introduced to our society.

Rant over.........well for now anyways. )>) )>)

Re: Just be Dad........Please

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:48 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
I agree 100%. I do have and use a cell phone but not very often. I don't text at all!

Re: Just be Dad........Please

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:30 pm
by MountainManJoe
I hate when I'm spending quality time with a friend, and they whip out the gadget.

I turn mine off when I'm occupied.

Re: Just be Dad........PleaseSs

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:39 pm
by Kidhauler
So if I reply to this from my IPhone is that bad? :poke:

Re: Just be Dad........PleaseSs

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:16 pm
by doyoulikeithere
Kidhauler wrote:So if I reply to this from my IPhone is that bad? :poke:
It sure if if your lovely young daughter is trying to tell you all about her day at the time.

I agree, kids grow fast, learn the way sponges absorb, and when they gro up n never call ya, you'll be the one feeling ignored...

Re: Just be Dad........Please

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:17 pm
by blk lt awd
i've often wondered what life would be like if one day the entire internet/cell phone systems crashed and went away. i'm thinking the world would be a much better place. a heck of a lot less stress.

i find the need to constantly go is inherently a north american thing. i've been slowing down lately but that was only because i was forced to and i find myself a lot happier because of it. when the company had provided a blackberry to all the managers it was an expectation that you'd now be available 24 hrs a day given the nature of the business and that it did in fact run 24 hrs a day. technically you were never off.

i heard about a case where an employee sued his employer for all the unpaid time he spent answering e mails/working after hours from his cell phone and won.

from a business perspective, when i had to deal with some international companies in europe and asia i was told on several occasions by each of the companies that no one would be available at the office for a couple hours around lunch time. when asked why, they say it's a normal thing to take the couple hours to go home for lunch, take time to relax, take a nap etc. stuff still gets done there.....

now if only we could get into Caribbean mode....."no problem mon"....things will get done when they get done....hahhahah.